Concierge Association of Vietnam (CAV), affiliated to Les Clefs d’Or Singapore, member of UICH ( Union Internationale Des Concierge d’Hotels), is a Society of the Golden Keys (Hotel Concierge). Our purpose as an organization is to promote tourism throughout Vietnam. We created a network for our members to exchange ideas, provide mutual assistance and foster the development of future concierge professionals. Each and every member of the CAV strives to provide the utmost in caring, attentive service to their hotel guests and our motto is: “In service through friendship”
Minh Nguyen
CAV President
Hotel with concierges who are members of the Concierge Association of Vietnam (CAV)
Business Affiliates
About our site
This is a non-profit website created to provide travel information for tourists and hospitality professionals.
Contact us
- Conciergevietnam2015@gmail.com
- Join Vietnam 5 star hotel jobs group